Source code for algotom.prep.phase

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# Copyright (c) 2021 Nghia T. Vo. All rights reserved.
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# Author: Nghia T. Vo
# E-mail:
# Description: Python module of phase-imaging-related techniques.
# Contributors:
# ============================================================================

Module for phase contrast imaging:

    -   Unwrap phase images.
    -   Generate a quality map, weight mask.
    -   Reconstruct surface from gradient images.
    -   Methods for speckle-based phase-contrast imaging.
            +   Find shifts between two stacks of images.
            +   Find shifts between sample-images.
            +   Align between two stacks of images.
            +   Retrieve phase image.
            +   Generate transmission-signal and dark-signal images.

import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
import numpy.fft as fft
from scipy.fft import dctn, idctn
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
from numba import jit
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import algotom.util.correlation as corl

def _wrap_to_pi(mat):
    Wrap image values in the range of [-Pi; Pi]
    return (mat + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi

def _make_window(height, width, direction="forward"):
    Make a window for an FFT-based filter.

    height : int
        Height of the window.
    width : int
        Width of the window.
    direction : {"forward", "backward"}
        Specify if the window is used for multiplication (forward) or
        division (backward).
    xcenter = width // 2
    ycenter = height // 2
    ulist = (1.0 * np.arange(0, width) - xcenter) / xcenter
    vlist = (1.0 * np.arange(0, height) - ycenter) / ycenter
    u, v = np.meshgrid(ulist, vlist)
    window = u ** 2 + v ** 2
    if direction != "forward":
        window[ycenter, xcenter] = 1.0
    return window

def _forward_operator(mat, window):
    mat_res = fft.ifft2(fft.ifftshift(fft.fftshift(
        fft.fft2(mat)) * window))
    return mat_res

def _backward_operator(mat, window):
    mat_res = fft.ifft2(fft.ifftshift(fft.fftshift(
        fft.fft2(mat)) / window))
    return mat_res

def _double_image(mat):
    mat1 = np.hstack((mat, np.fliplr(mat)))
    mat2 = np.vstack((np.flipud(mat1), mat1))
    return mat2

def _make_cosine_window(height, width):
    Make a window for cosine transform.
    y_mat, x_mat = np.ogrid[0:height, 0:width]
    window = 2.0 * (np.cos(np.pi * y_mat / height) + np.cos(
        np.pi * x_mat / width) - 2.0)
    window[0, 0] = 1.0
    return window

[docs]def get_quality_map(mat, size): """ Generate a quality map using the phase derivative variance (PDV) as described in Ref. [1]. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. size : int Window size. e.g. size=5. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. References ---------- [1] : Dennis Ghiglia and Mark Pritt, "Two-dimensional Phase Unwrapping: Theory, Algorithms, and Software", Wiley, New York,1998. """ (height, width) = mat.shape win_size = 2 * (size // 2) + 1 mat_pad = np.pad(mat, 1, mode="reflect") rho_x = _wrap_to_pi(np.diff(mat_pad, axis=1))[:height, :width] rho_y = _wrap_to_pi(np.diff(mat_pad, axis=0))[:height, :width] kernel = 1.0 * np.ones((win_size, win_size)) / (win_size ** 2) mean_x = ndi.convolve(rho_x, kernel, mode="reflect") mean_y = ndi.convolve(rho_y, kernel, mode="reflect") rad = win_size // 2 sum_x = np.zeros_like(mat, dtype=np.float32) sum_y = np.zeros_like(mat, dtype=np.float32) for i in range(-rad, rad + 1): for j in range(-rad, rad + 1): sum_x += np.square( np.roll(np.roll(rho_x, i, axis=0), j, axis=1) - mean_x) sum_y += np.square( np.roll(np.roll(rho_y, i, axis=0), j, axis=1) - mean_y) return (np.sqrt(sum_x) + np.sqrt(sum_y)) / win_size ** 2
[docs]def get_weight_mask(mat, snr=1.5): """ Generate a binary weight-mask based on a provided quality map. Threshold value is calculated based on Algorithm 4 in Ref. [1]. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. e.g. a quality map. snr : float Ratio used to calculate the threshold value. Greater is less sensitive. Returns ------- array_like 2D binary array. References ---------- [1] : """ size = max(mat.shape) list_sort = np.sort(np.ndarray.flatten(mat)) list_dsp = ndi.zoom(list_sort, 1.0 * size / len(list_sort), mode='nearest') npoint = len(list_dsp) xlist = np.arange(0, npoint, 1.0) ndrop = int(0.25 * npoint) (slope, intercept) = np.polyfit(xlist[ndrop:-ndrop - 1], list_dsp[ndrop:-ndrop - 1], 1)[0:2] y_end = intercept + slope * xlist[-1] noise_level = np.abs(y_end - intercept) threshold = y_end + noise_level * snr * 0.5 mask = np.asarray(mat > threshold, dtype=np.float32) return mask
[docs]def unwrap_phase_based_cosine_transform(mat, window=None): """ Unwrap a phase image using the cosine transform as described in Ref. [1]. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. Wrapped phase-image in the range of [-Pi; Pi]. window : array_like 2D array. Window is used for the cosine transform. Generated if None. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Unwrapped phase-image. References ---------- [1] : """ (height, width) = mat.shape if window is None: window = _make_cosine_window(height, width) else: if window.shape != mat.shape: raise ValueError("Window must be the same size as the image!!!") rho_x = _wrap_to_pi(np.diff(mat, axis=1)) rho_y = _wrap_to_pi(np.diff(mat, axis=0)) rho_x2 = np.diff(rho_x, axis=1, prepend=0, append=0) rho_y2 = np.diff(rho_y, axis=0, prepend=0, append=0) rho = rho_x2 + rho_y2 mat_unwrap = idctn(dctn(rho) / window, overwrite_x=True) return mat_unwrap
[docs]def unwrap_phase_based_fft(mat, win_for=None, win_back=None): """ Unwrap a phase image using the Fourier transform as described in Ref. [1]. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. Wrapped phase-image in the range of [-Pi; Pi]. win_for : array_like 2D array. FFT-window for the forward transform. Generated if None. win_back : array_like 2D array. FFT-window for the backward transform. Making sure there are no zero-values. Generated if None. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Unwrapped phase-image. References ---------- [1] : """ height, width = mat.shape mat2 = _double_image(mat) height2, width2 = mat2.shape if win_for is None: win_for = _make_window(height2, width2, direction="forward") else: if win_for.shape != mat2.shape: raise ValueError("Window-size must be double the image-size!!!") if win_back is None: win_back = _make_window(height2, width2, direction="backward") else: if win_back.shape != mat2.shape: raise ValueError("Window-size must be double the image-size!!!") mat_unwrap = np.real( _backward_operator(np.imag(_forward_operator( np.exp(mat2 * 1j), win_for) * np.exp(-1j * mat2)), win_back)) mat_unwrap = mat_unwrap[height:, 0:width] return mat_unwrap
[docs]def unwrap_phase_iterative_fft(mat, iteration=4, win_for=None, win_back=None, weight_map=None): """ Unwrap a phase image using an iterative FFT-based method as described in Ref. [1]. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. Wrapped phase-image in the range of [-Pi; Pi]. iteration : int Number of iteration. win_for : array_like 2D array. FFT-window for the forward transform. Generated if None. win_back : array_like 2D array. FFT-window for the backward transform. Making sure there are no zero-values. Generated if None. weight_map : array_like 2D array. Using a weight map if provided. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Unwrapped phase-image. References ---------- [1] : """ height, width = mat.shape if win_for is None: win_for = _make_window(2 * height, 2 * width, direction="forward") if win_back is None: win_back = _make_window(2 * height, 2 * width, direction="backward") if weight_map is None: weight_map = np.ones_like(mat) mat_unwrap = unwrap_phase_based_fft(mat * weight_map, win_for, win_back) for i in range(iteration): mat_wrap = _wrap_to_pi(mat_unwrap) mat_diff = mat - mat_wrap nmean = np.mean(mat_diff) mat_diff = _wrap_to_pi(mat_diff - nmean) phase_diff = unwrap_phase_based_fft(mat_diff * weight_map, win_for, win_back) mat_unwrap = mat_unwrap + phase_diff return mat_unwrap
def _make_window_FC_method(height, width): """ Make a window for a normal integration method: the FC (Frankot and Chellappa) method. """ xcenter = width // 2 ycenter = height // 2 ulist = (1.0 * np.arange(0, width) - xcenter) / width vlist = (1.0 * np.arange(0, height) - ycenter) / width u, v = np.meshgrid(ulist, vlist) window = u ** 2 + v ** 2 window[ycenter, xcenter] = 1.0 window = 1 / window window[ycenter, xcenter] = 0.0 return u, v, window
[docs]def reconstruct_surface_from_gradient_FC_method(grad_x, grad_y, correct_negative=True, window=None): """ Reconstruct a surface from the gradients in x and y-direction using the Frankot-Chellappa method (Ref. [1]). Note that the DC-component (average value of an image) of the reconstructed image is unidentified because the DC-component of the FFT-window is zero. Parameters ---------- grad_x : array_like 2D array. Gradient in x-direction. grad_y : array_like 2D array. Gradient in y-direction. correct_negative : bool, optional Correct negative offset if True. window : list of array_like list of three 2D-arrays. Spatial frequencies in x, y, and the window for the Fourier transform. Generated if None. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Reconstructed surface. References ---------- [1] : """ height, width = grad_x.shape if grad_x.shape != grad_y.shape: raise ValueError("Input gradients must be the same size!!!") grad2_x = _double_image(grad_x) grad2_y = _double_image(grad_y) height2, width2 = grad2_x.shape if window is None: u, v, win = _make_window_FC_method(height2, width2) else: err_msg = "Input must be a list of 3 arrays (u, v, window)!!!" if not (isinstance(window, tuple) or isinstance(window, list)): raise ValueError(err_msg) else: if len(window) != 3: raise ValueError(err_msg) else: (u, v, win) = window if win.shape != grad2_x.shape: raise ValueError("Window-size {0} must be double the " "image-size {1}!!!".format(win.shape, grad_x.shape)) fmat_x = -1j * u * fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(grad2_x)) fmat_y = -1j * v * fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(grad2_y)) rec_surf = (0.5 / np.pi) * np.real( fft.ifft2(fft.ifftshift((fmat_x + fmat_y) * win)))[height:, 0:width] if correct_negative: nmin = np.min(rec_surf) if nmin < 0.0: rec_surf = rec_surf - 2 * nmin return np.float32(rec_surf)
def _make_window_SCS_method(height, width): """ Make a window for a normal integration method: the SCS (Simchony, Chellappa, and Shao) method. """ ulist = 1.0 * np.arange(0, width) / width vlist = 1.0 * np.arange(0, height) / height u, v = np.meshgrid(ulist, vlist) sin_u = np.sin(2 * np.pi * u) sin_v = np.sin(2 * np.pi * v) sin_u2 = np.power(np.sin(np.pi * u), 2) sin_v2 = np.power(np.sin(np.pi * v), 2) window = (sin_u2 + sin_v2) window[0, 0] = 1.0 window = 1 / (4 * 1j * window) window[0, 0] = 0.0 return sin_u, sin_v, window
[docs]def reconstruct_surface_from_gradient_SCS_method(grad_x, grad_y, correct_negative=True, window=None, pad=0, pad_mode="linear_ramp"): """ Reconstruct a surface from the gradients in x and y-direction using the Simchony-Chellappa-Shao method (Ref. [1]). Note that the DC-component (average value of an image) of the reconstructed image is unidentified because the DC-component of the FFT-window is zero. Parameters ---------- grad_x : array_like 2D array. Gradient in x-direction. grad_y : array_like 2D array. Gradient in y-direction. correct_negative : bool, optional Correct negative offset if True. window : list of array_like List of three 2D-arrays. Spatial frequencies in x, y, and the window for the Fourier transform. Generated if None. pad : int Padding width. pad_mode : str Padding method. Full list can be found at numpy_pad documentation. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Reconstructed surface. References ---------- [1] : """ if grad_x.shape != grad_y.shape: raise ValueError("Input gradients must be the same size!!!") if pad != 0: grad_x = np.pad(grad_x, pad, mode=pad_mode) grad_y = np.pad(grad_y, pad, mode=pad_mode) (height, width) = grad_x.shape if window is None: sin_u, sin_v, win = _make_window_SCS_method(height, width) else: err_msg = "Input must be a list of 3 arrays (sin_u, sin_v, window)!!!" if not (isinstance(window, tuple) or isinstance(window, list)): raise ValueError(err_msg) else: if len(window) != 3: raise ValueError(err_msg) else: (sin_u, sin_v, win) = window if win.shape != grad_x.shape: raise ValueError("Window-size {0} is not the same as the " "image-size {1}. Note to take into account " "the pad value of {2}!!!" "".format(win.shape, grad_x.shape, pad)) fmat_x = sin_u * fft.fft2(grad_x) fmat_y = sin_v * fft.fft2(grad_y) fmat = fmat_x + fmat_y rec_surf = np.real(fft.ifft2(fmat * win)) if pad != 0: rec_surf = rec_surf[pad:-pad, pad:-pad] if correct_negative: nmin = np.min(rec_surf) if nmin < 0.0: rec_surf = rec_surf - 2 * nmin return np.float32(rec_surf)
[docs]def find_shift_between_image_stacks(ref_stack, sam_stack, win_size, margin, list_ij, global_value="mixed", gpu=False, block=32, sub_pixel=True, method="diff", size=3, ncore=None, norm=False): """ Find shifts between each pair of two image-stacks. Can be used to align reference-images and sample-images in speckle-based imaging technique. The method finds the shift between two images by finding local shifts between small areas of the images given by a list of points. Parameters ---------- ref_stack : array_like 3D array. Reference images. sam_stack : array_like 3D array. Sample images. win_size : int To define the size of the area around a selected pixel of the sample image. margin : int To define the size of the area of the reference image for searching, i.e. size = 2 * margin + win_size. list_ij : list of lists of int List of indices of points used for local search. Accept the value of [i_index, j_index] for a single point or [[i_index0, i_index1,...], [j_index0, j_index1,...]] for multiple points. global_value : {"median", "mean", "mixed"} Method for calculating the global value from local values. gpu : bool, optional Use GPU for computing if True. block : int Size of a GPU block. E.g. 16, 32, 64, ... sub_pixel : bool, optional Enable sub-pixel location. method : {"diff", "poly_fit"} Method for finding 1d sub-pixel position. Two options: a differential method or a polynomial method. size : int Window size around the integer location of the maximum value used for sub-pixel searching. ncore : int or None Number of cpu-cores used for computing. Automatically selected if None. norm : bool, optional Normalize the input images if True. Returns ------- array_like List of [[x_shift0, y_shift0], [x_shift1, y_shift1],...]. The shift of each image in the second stacks against each image in the first stack. """ if ref_stack.shape != sam_stack.shape: raise ValueError("Data shape must be the same !!!") if len(ref_stack.shape) == 2: ref_stack = np.expand_dims(ref_stack, axis=0) sam_stack = np.expand_dims(sam_stack, axis=0) num_point = len(ref_stack) xy_shifts = [] f_alias = corl.find_global_shift_based_local_shifts for i in range(num_point): (x_shift, y_shift) = f_alias(ref_stack[i], sam_stack[i], win_size, margin, list_ij=list_ij, global_value=global_value, gpu=gpu, block=block, sub_pixel=sub_pixel, method=method, size=size, ncore=ncore, norm=norm, return_list=False) xy_shifts.append([x_shift, y_shift]) return np.asarray(xy_shifts)
[docs]def find_shift_between_sample_images(ref_stack, sam_stack, sr_shifts, win_size, margin, list_ij, global_value="median", gpu=False, block=32, sub_pixel=True, method="diff", size=3, ncore=None, norm=False): """ Find shifts between sample-images in a stack against the first sample-image. It is used to align sample-images of the same rotation-angle from multiple tomographic datasets. Reference-images are used for normalization before finding the shifts. Parameters ---------- ref_stack : array_like 3D array. Reference images. sam_stack : array_like 3D array. Sample images. sr_shifts : array_like List of shifts between each pair of reference-images and sample-images. win_size : int To define the size of the area around a selected pixel of the sample image. margin : int To define the size of the area of the reference image for searching, i.e. size = 2 * margin + win_size. list_ij : list of lists of int List of indices of points used for local search. Accept the value of [i_index, j_index] for a single point or [[i_index0, i_index1,...], [j_index0, j_index1,...]] for multiple points. global_value : {"median", "mean", "mixed"} Method for calculating the global value from local values. gpu : bool, optional Use GPU for computing if True. block : int Size of a GPU block. E.g. 16, 32, 64, ... sub_pixel : bool, optional Enable sub-pixel location. method : {"diff", "poly_fit"} Method for finding 1d sub-pixel position. Two options: a differential method or a polynomial method. size : int Window size around the integer location of the maximum value used for sub-pixel searching. ncore : int or None Number of cpu-cores used for computing. Automatically selected if None. norm : bool, optional Normalize the input images if True. Returns ------- array_like List of [[0.0, 0.0], [x_shift1, y_shift1],...]. For convenient usage, the shift of the first image in the stack with itself, [0.0, 0.0], is added to the result. """ if ref_stack.shape != sam_stack.shape: raise ValueError("Data shape must be the same !!!") if len(ref_stack.shape) == 2: ref_stack = np.expand_dims(ref_stack, axis=0) sam_stack = np.expand_dims(sam_stack, axis=0) eps = 1.0e-09 xy_shifts = [[0.0, 0.0]] num_image = len(ref_stack) crop = 1 + int(np.max(np.abs(sr_shifts))) sam_mat0 = ndi.shift(sam_stack[0], np.flipud(sr_shifts[0])) / ( ref_stack[0] + eps) sam_mat0 = sam_mat0[crop:-crop, crop:-crop] f_alias = corl.find_global_shift_based_local_shifts for i in range(1, num_image): sam_mat1 = ndi.shift(sam_stack[i], np.flipud(sr_shifts[i])) / ( ref_stack[i] + eps) sam_mat1 = sam_mat1[crop:-crop, crop:-crop] (x_shift, y_shift) = f_alias(sam_mat0, sam_mat1, win_size, margin, list_ij=list_ij, global_value=global_value, gpu=gpu, block=block, sub_pixel=sub_pixel, method=method, size=size, ncore=ncore, norm=norm, return_list=False) xy_shifts.append([x_shift, y_shift]) return np.asarray(xy_shifts)
[docs]def align_image_stacks(ref_stack, sam_stack, sr_shifts, sam_shifts=None, mode="reflect"): """ Align each pair of two image-stacks using provided reference-sample shifts with an option to correct the shifts between sample-images. Parameters ---------- ref_stack : array_like 3D array. Reference images. sam_stack : array_like 3D array. Sample images. sr_shifts : array_like List of shifts between each pair of reference-images and sample-images. Each value is the shift of the second image against the first image. sam_shifts : array_like, optional List of shifts between each sample-image and the first sample-image. mode : {'reflect', 'constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'wrap'}, optional Method to fill up empty areas caused by shifting the images. Returns ------- ref_stack : array_like 3D array. Aligned reference-images. sam_stack : array_like 3D array. Aligned sample-images. """ msg = "Number of shifts and number of images must be the same !!!" if ref_stack.shape != sam_stack.shape: raise ValueError("Data shape must be the same !!!") if len(ref_stack.shape) == 2: ref_stack = np.expand_dims(ref_stack, axis=0) sam_stack = np.expand_dims(sam_stack, axis=0) if len(ref_stack) != len(sr_shifts): raise ValueError(msg) if sam_shifts is not None: if len(ref_stack) != len(sam_shifts): raise ValueError(msg) num_image = len(ref_stack) ref_stack1 = np.zeros_like(ref_stack) sam_stack1 = np.zeros_like(sam_stack) for i in range(num_image): ref1 = ndi.shift(ref_stack[i], -np.flipud(sr_shifts[i]), mode=mode) if sam_shifts is not None: mat1 = ndi.shift(sam_stack[i], np.flipud(sam_shifts[i]), mode=mode) ref1 = ndi.shift(ref1, np.flipud(sam_shifts[i]), mode=mode) else: mat1 = sam_stack[i] sam_stack1[i] = mat1 ref_stack1[i] = ref1 return ref_stack1, sam_stack1
@jit(nopython=True, parallel=False, cache=True) def _calculate_transmission_dark_field_values(ref_stack, sam_stack): # pragma: no cover """ Supplementary method for determining transmission-signal image and dark-signal image. """ num1 = np.mean(ref_stack) num2 = np.mean(sam_stack) trans = 1.0 dark = 1.0 if (num1 != 0.0) and (num2 != 0): trans = num2 / num1 num = np.std(ref_stack) if num != 0.0: num3 = np.std(sam_stack) dark = (num1 / num2) * (num3 / num) return trans, dark @jit(nopython=True, parallel=False, cache=True) def _get_transmission_dark_field_signal(ref_stack, sam_stack, x_shifts, y_shifts, win_size, margin): # pragma: no cover """ Supplementary method for determining transmission-signal image and dark-signal image. """ radi = win_size // 2 start = radi + margin radi1 = radi + 1 (height, width) = ref_stack.shape[-2:] stop_col, stop_row = width - start, height - start f_alias = _calculate_transmission_dark_field_values trans = np.ones((height - 2 * start, width - 2 * start), dtype=np.float32) dark = np.ones_like(trans) if len(ref_stack.shape) == 2: for i in range(start, stop_row): for j in range(start, stop_col): i1 = i + int(np.round(y_shifts[i, j])) j1 = j + int(np.round(x_shifts[i, j])) mat1 = ref_stack[i - radi:i + radi1, j - radi:j + radi1] mat2 = sam_stack[i1 - radi:i1 + radi1, j1 - radi:j1 + radi1] (val1, val2) = f_alias(mat1, mat2) i2, j2 = i - start, j - start trans[i2, j2], dark[i2, j2] = val1, val2 else: num_image = len(ref_stack) for i in range(start, stop_row): for j in range(start, stop_col): i1 = i + int(np.round(y_shifts[i, j])) j1 = j + int(np.round(x_shifts[i, j])) list1 = [] list2 = [] for k in range(num_image): mat1 = ref_stack[k, i - radi:i + radi1, j - radi:j + radi1] mat2 = sam_stack[k, i1 - radi:i1 + radi1, j1 - radi:j1 + radi1] (val1, val2) = f_alias(mat1, mat2) list1.append(val1) list2.append(val2) val1 = np.mean(np.asarray(list1)) val2 = np.mean(np.asarray(list2)) i2, j2 = i - start, j - start trans[i2, j2] = val1 dark[i2, j2] = val2 return trans, dark
[docs]def get_transmission_dark_field_signal(ref_stack, sam_stack, x_shifts, y_shifts, win_size, margin=None, ncore=None): """ Get the transmission-signal image and dark-signal image from two stacks of speckle-images and sample-images for correlation-based methods. Parameters ---------- ref_stack : array_like 3D array. Reference images (speckle images). sam_stack : array_like 3D array. Sample images. x_shifts : array_like x-shift image. y_shifts : array_like y-shift image. win_size : int Window size used for calculating signals. margin : int or None Margin value used for calculating signals. ncore : int or None Number of cpu-cores used for computing. Automatically selected if None. Returns ------- trans : array_like Transmission-signal image dark : array_like Dark-signal image """ if len(ref_stack.shape) != 2 and len(ref_stack.shape) != 3: raise ValueError("Input data must be 2D or 3D array !!!") (height, width) = ref_stack.shape[-2:] win_size = 2 * (win_size // 2) + 1 radi = win_size // 2 if margin is None: margin = int(max(np.max(np.abs(x_shifts)), np.max(np.abs(y_shifts)))) pad = radi + margin als_size = 2 * pad if width <= als_size or height <= als_size: raise ValueError("Shapes of the inputs {0} are smaller than the " "requested size (win_size + 2*margin) = " "{1}".format((height, width), als_size)) if ncore is None: ncore = np.clip(mp.cpu_count() - 1, 1, None) chunk_size = (height - 2 * pad) // ncore f_alias = _get_transmission_dark_field_signal if len(ref_stack.shape) == 2: ref_stack = np.expand_dims(ref_stack, 0) sam_stack = np.expand_dims(sam_stack, 0) if ncore == 1 or chunk_size < 20: trans, dark = f_alias(ref_stack, sam_stack, x_shifts, y_shifts, win_size, margin) else: trans = np.ones((height - 2 * pad, width - 2 * pad), dtype=np.float32) dark = np.ones_like(trans) list_index = np.array_split(np.arange(pad, height - pad), ncore) b_e = np.asarray([[pos[0], pos[-1] + 1] for pos in list_index]) ntime = len(b_e) results = Parallel(n_jobs=ncore)( delayed(f_alias)(ref_stack[:, b_e[i, 0] - pad:b_e[i, 1] + pad, :], sam_stack[:, b_e[i, 0] - pad:b_e[i, 1] + pad, :], x_shifts[b_e[i, 0] - pad:b_e[i, 1] + pad, :], y_shifts[b_e[i, 0] - pad:b_e[i, 1] + pad, :], win_size, margin) for i in range(ntime)) for i in range(ntime): trans[b_e[i, 0] - pad:b_e[i, 1] - pad] = results[i][0] dark[b_e[i, 0] - pad:b_e[i, 1] - pad] = results[i][1] trans = np.pad(trans, pad, mode="edge") dark = np.pad(dark, pad, mode="edge") return trans, dark
[docs]def retrieve_phase_based_speckle_tracking(ref_stack, sam_stack, find_shift="correl", filter_name="hamming", dark_signal=False, dim=1, win_size=7, margin=10, method="diff", size=3, gpu=False, block=(16, 16), ncore=None, norm=True, norm_global=False, chunk_size=100, surf_method="SCS", correct_negative=True, window=None, pad=100, pad_mode="linear_ramp", return_shift=False): """ Retrieve the phase image from two stacks of speckle-images and sample-images where the shift of each pixel is determined using a correlation-based technique (Ref. [1-2]) or a cost-function-based method (Ref. [3]). Results can be an image, a list of 3 images, or a list of 5 images. Parameters ---------- ref_stack : array_like 3D array. Reference images (speckle images). sam_stack : array_like 3D array. Sample images. find_shift : {"correl", "umpa"} To select the back-end method for finding shifts. Using a correlation-based method (Ref. [1-2]) or a cost-based method (Ref. [3]). filter_name : {None, "hann", "bartlett", "blackman", "hamming",\ "nuttall", "parzen", "triang"} To select a smoothing filter. dark_signal : bool Return both dark-signal image and transmission-signal image if True dim : {1, 2} To find the shifts (in x and y) separately (1D) or together (2D). win_size : int Size of local areas in the sample image for finding shifts. margin : int To define the searching range of the sample images in finding the shifts compared to the reference images. method : {"diff", "poly_fit"} Method for finding sub-pixel shift. Two options: a differential method (Ref. [4]) or a polynomial method (Ref. [5]). The "poly_fit" option is not available if using GPU. size : int Window size around the integer location of the maximum value used for sub-pixel location. Adjustable if using the polynomial method. gpu : {False, True, "hybrid"} Use GPU for computing if True or in "hybrid" mode. block : tuple of two integer-values, optional Size of a GPU block. E.g. (8, 8), (16, 16), (32, 32), ... ncore : int or None Number of cpu-cores used for computing. Automatically selected if None. norm : bool, optional Normalizing the inputs if True. norm_global : bool, optional Normalize by using the full size of the inputs if True. chunk_size : int or None Size of each chunk extracted along the height of the image. surf_method : {"SCS", "FC"} Select method for surface reconstruction: "SCS" (Ref. [6]) or "FC" (Ref. [7]) correct_negative : bool, optional Correct negative offset if True. window : list of array_like List of three 2D-arrays. Spatial frequencies in x, y, and the window in the Fourier space for the surface reconstruction method. Generated if None. pad : int Padding-width used for the "SCS" method. pad_mode : str Padding-method used for the "SCS" method. Full list can be found at numpy_pad documentation. return_shift : bool, optional Return a list of 3 arrays: x-shifts, y-shifts, and phase image if True. The shifts can be used to determine transmission-signal and dark-signal image. Returns ------- phase : array_like Phase image. If dark_signal is False and return_shifts is False. phase, trans, dark : list of array_like Phase image, transmission image, and dark-signal image. If dark_signal is True and return_shifts is False. x_shifts, y_shifts, phase: list of array_like x-shift image and y-shift image. If dark_signal is False and return_shifts is True. x_shifts, y_shifts, phase, trans, dark : list of array_like x-shift image, y-shift image, phase image, transmission image, and dark-signal image. If dark_signal is True and return_shifts is True. References ---------- [1] : [2] : [3] : [4] : [5] : [6] : [7] : """ win_size = np.clip(win_size, 1, None) margin = np.clip(margin, 1, None) size = np.clip(size, 3, None) if find_shift == "umpa": results = corl.find_local_shifts_umpa(ref_stack, sam_stack, win_size=win_size, margin=margin, method=method, size=size, gpu=gpu, block=block, ncore=ncore, chunk_size=chunk_size, filter_name=filter_name, dark_signal=dark_signal) if dark_signal: (x_shifts, y_shifts, trans, dark) = results else: (x_shifts, y_shifts) = results else: results = corl.find_local_shifts(ref_stack, sam_stack, dim=dim, win_size=win_size, margin=margin, method=method, size=size, gpu=gpu, block=block, ncore=ncore, norm=norm, norm_global=norm_global, chunk_size=chunk_size) (x_shifts, y_shifts) = results if dark_signal: f_alias = get_transmission_dark_field_signal trans, dark = f_alias(ref_stack, sam_stack, x_shifts, y_shifts, win_size, margin, ncore=ncore) edge = margin + 2 x_shifts = np.pad(x_shifts[edge:-edge, edge:-edge], edge, mode="reflect") y_shifts = np.pad(y_shifts[edge:-edge, edge:-edge], edge, mode="reflect") if surf_method == "SCS": f_alias = reconstruct_surface_from_gradient_SCS_method phase = f_alias(x_shifts, y_shifts, correct_negative=correct_negative, window=window, pad=pad, pad_mode=pad_mode) else: f_alias = reconstruct_surface_from_gradient_FC_method phase = f_alias(x_shifts, y_shifts, correct_negative=correct_negative, window=window) if return_shift is True and dark_signal is False: return x_shifts, y_shifts, phase elif return_shift is False and dark_signal is True: return phase, trans, dark elif return_shift is True and dark_signal is True: return x_shifts, y_shifts, phase, trans, dark else: return phase