Data processing algorithms for tomography
Welcome to Algotom’s documentation about data processing algorithms for tomography. This documentation is not only to explain functions available in the Algotom package but also to present tomography-related tutorials, technical notes, and applications.
Source code: https://github.com/algotom/algotom
Table of Contents
- 1. Basic tutorials
- 2. Features
- 3. Installation
- 4. Demonstrations
- 4.1. Setting up a Python workspace
- 4.2. Exploring raw data and making use of the input-output module
- 4.3. Methods and tools for removing ring artifacts
- 4.4. Comparison of ring removal methods on challenging sinograms
- 4.5. Complete workflow for processing tomographic data
- 4.5.1. Assessing raw data
- 4.5.2. Reconstructing several slices
- 4.5.3. Finding the center of rotation
- 4.5.4. Tweaking parameters of preprocessing methods
- 4.5.5. Choosing a reconstruction method
- 4.5.6. Performing full reconstruction
- 4.5.7. Automating the workflow
- 4.5.8. Downsampling, rescaling, and reslicing reconstructed volume
- 4.5.9. Common mistakes and useful tips
- 4.5.10. Data analysis
- 5. Technical notes
- 6. Update notes
- 7. API Reference
- 8. Credits
- 9. Highlights
- 10. Quick links