7.5.3. algotom.util.utility

Module of utility methods:

  • Methods for parallel computing, geometric transformation, masking.

  • Methods for customizing stripe/ring removal methods
    • sort_forward

    • sort_backward

    • separate_frequency_component

    • generate_fitted_image

    • detect_stripe

    • calculate_regularization_coefficient

    • make_2d_butterworth_window

    • make_2d_damping_window

    • apply_wavelet_decomposition

    • apply_wavelet_reconstruction

    • apply_filter_to_wavelet_component

    • interpolate_inside_stripe

    • transform_slice_forward

    • transform_slice_backward

  • Customized smoothing filters:
    • apply_gaussian_filter (in the Fourier space)

    • apply_regularization_filter

  • Methods for grid scans:
    • detect_sample

    • fix_non_sample_areas

    • locate_slice

    • locate_slice_chunk

  • Methods for speckle-based tomography
    • generate_spiral_positions

  • Methods for finding the center of rotation by visual inspection.
    • find_center_visual_sinograms

    • find_center_visual_slices


apply_method_to_multiple_sinograms(data, ...)

Apply a processing method (in "filtering", "removal", and "reconstruction" module) to multiple sinograms or multiple slices in parallel.

mapping(mat, x_mat, y_mat[, order, mode])

Apply a geometric transformation to a 2D array

make_circle_mask(width, ratio)

Create a circle mask.

sort_forward(mat[, axis])

Sort gray-scales of an image along an axis.

sort_backward(mat, mat_index[, axis])

Sort gray-scales of an image using an index array provided.

separate_frequency_component(mat[, axis, window])

Separate low and high frequency components of an image along an axis.

generate_fitted_image(mat, order[, axis, ...])

Apply a polynomial fitting along an axis of an image.

detect_stripe(list_data, snr)

Locate stripe positions using Algorithm 4 in Ref.

calculate_regularization_coefficient(width, ...)

Calculate coefficients used for the regularization-based method.

make_2d_butterworth_window(width, height, u, ...)

Create a 2d window from the 1D Butterworth window.

make_2d_damping_window(width, height, size)

Make 2D damping window from a list of 1D window for a Fourier-space filter, i.e. a high-pass filter.

apply_wavelet_decomposition(mat, wavelet_name)

Apply 2D wavelet decomposition.

apply_wavelet_reconstruction(data, wavelet_name)

Apply 2D wavelet reconstruction.

apply_filter_to_wavelet_component(data[, ...])

Apply a filter to a component of the wavelet decomposition of an image.

interpolate_inside_stripe(mat, list_mask[, kind])

Interpolate gray-scales inside vertical stripes of an image.

rectangular_from_polar(width_reg, ...)

Generate coordinates of a rectangular grid from polar coordinates.

polar_from_rectangular(width_pol, ...)

Generate polar coordinates from grid coordinates.

transform_slice_forward(mat[, coord_mat])

Transform a reconstructed image into polar coordinates.

transform_slice_backward(mat[, coord_mat])

Transform a reconstructed image in polar coordinates back to rectangular coordinates.

make_2d_gaussian_window(height, width, ...)

Create a 2D Gaussian window.

apply_gaussian_filter(mat, sigma_x, sigma_y)

Filtering an image in the Fourier domain using a 2D Gaussian window.

apply_regularization_filter(mat, alpha[, ...])

Apply a regularization filter using the method in Ref.


Transform a 1d-window to 2d-window.

detect_sample(sinogram[, sino_type])

To check if there is a sample in a sinogram using the "double-wedge" property of the Fourier transform of the sinogram (Ref.

fix_non_sample_areas(overlap_metadata[, ...])

Used to fix overlap values of grid-cells without sample by copying from its neighbours.

locate_slice(slice_idx, height, overlap_metadata)

Locate slice indices in grid-rows given a slice index of the reconstruction data as a whole.

locate_slice_chunk(slice_start, slice_stop, ...)

Locate slice indices in grid-rows given slice indices of the reconstruction data as a whole.

generate_spiral_positions(step, num_pos, ...)

Generate Fermat spiral positions.

find_center_visual_sinograms(sino_180, ...)

For visually finding the center-of-rotation (COR) using converted 360-degree sinograms from a 180-degree sinogram at different CORs (Ref.

find_center_visual_slices(sinogram, output, ...)

For visually finding the center-of-rotation (COR) using reconstructed slices at different CORs.

algotom.util.utility.apply_method_to_multiple_sinograms(data, method, para, ncore=None, prefer='threads')[source]

Apply a processing method (in “filtering”, “removal”, and “reconstruction” module) to multiple sinograms or multiple slices in parallel.

  • data (array_like or hdf object) – 3D array data where sinograms/slices are extracted along axis 1, e.g [:, i, :].

  • method (str) – Name of a method. e.g. “remove_stripe_based_sorting”.

  • para (list) – Parameters of the method. e.g. [21, 1]

  • ncore (int or None) – Number of cpu-cores used for computing. Automatically selected if None.

  • prefer ({“threads”, “processes”}) – Prefer backend for parallel processing.


array_like – Same axis-definition as the input.

algotom.util.utility.mapping(mat, x_mat, y_mat, order=1, mode='reflect')[source]

Apply a geometric transformation to a 2D array

  • mat (array_like) – 2D array.

  • x_mat (array_like) – 2D array of the x-coordinates.

  • y_mat (array_like) – 2D array of the y-coordinates.

  • order (int, optional) – The order of the spline interpolation, default is 1. The order has to be in the range 0-5.

  • mode ({‘reflect’, ‘constant’, ‘nearest’, ‘mirror’, ‘wrap’}, optional) – The mode parameter determines how the input array is extended beyond its boundaries. Default is ‘reflect’.


array_like – 2D array.

algotom.util.utility.make_circle_mask(width, ratio)[source]

Create a circle mask.

  • width (int) – Width of a square array.

  • ratio (float) – Ratio between the diameter of the mask and the width of the array.


array_like – Square array.

algotom.util.utility.sort_forward(mat, axis=0)[source]

Sort gray-scales of an image along an axis. e.g. axis=0 is to sort along each column.

  • mat (array_like) – 2D array.

  • axis (int) – Axis along which to sort.


  • mat_sort (array_like) – 2D array. Sorted image.

  • mat_index (array_like) – 2D array. Index array used for sorting backward.

algotom.util.utility.sort_backward(mat, mat_index, axis=0)[source]

Sort gray-scales of an image using an index array provided. e.g. axis=0 is to sort each column.

  • mat (array_like) – 2D array.

  • mat_index (array_like) – 2D array. Index array used for sorting.

  • axis (int) – Axis along which to sort.


mat_sort (array_like) – 2D array. Sorted image.

algotom.util.utility.separate_frequency_component(mat, axis=0, window=None)[source]

Separate low and high frequency components of an image along an axis. e.g. axis=0 is to apply the separation to each column.

  • mat (array_like) – 2D array.

  • axis (int) – Axis along which to apply the filter.

  • window (array_like or dict) – 1D array or a dictionary which given the name of a window in the scipy_window list and its parameters (without window-length). E.g window={“name”: “gaussian”, “sigma”: 5}


  • mat_low (array_like) – 2D array. Low-frequency image.

  • mat_high (array_like) – 2D array. High-frequency image.

algotom.util.utility.generate_fitted_image(mat, order, axis=0, num_chunk=1)[source]

Apply a polynomial fitting along an axis of an image. e.g. axis=0 is to apply the fitting to each column.

  • mat (array_like) – 2D array.

  • order (int) – Order of the polynomial used to fit.

  • axis (int) – Axis along which to apply the filter.

  • num_chunk (int) – Number of chunks of rows or columns to apply the fitting.


mat_fit (array_like)

algotom.util.utility.detect_stripe(list_data, snr)[source]

Locate stripe positions using Algorithm 4 in Ref. [1]

  • list_data (array_like) – 1D array. Normalized data.

  • snr (float) – Ratio (>1.0) for stripe detection. Greater is less sensitive.


array_like – 1D binary mask.


[1] : https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.26.028396

algotom.util.utility.calculate_regularization_coefficient(width, alpha)[source]

Calculate coefficients used for the regularization-based method. Eq. (7) in Ref. [1].

  • width (int) – Width of a square array.

  • alpha (float) – Regularization parameter.


float – Square array.


[1] : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aml.2010.08.022

algotom.util.utility.make_2d_butterworth_window(width, height, u, v, n)[source]

Create a 2d window from the 1D Butterworth window.

  • height (int) – Height of the window.

  • width (int) – Width of the window.

  • u (int) – Cutoff frequency.

  • n (int) – Filter order.

  • v (int) – Number of rows (= 2*v) around the height middle are the 1D Butterworth windows.


array_like – 2D array.

algotom.util.utility.make_2d_damping_window(width, height, size, window_name='gaussian')[source]

Make 2D damping window from a list of 1D window for a Fourier-space filter, i.e. a high-pass filter.

  • height (int) – Height of the window.

  • width (int) – Width of the window.

  • size (int) – Sigma of a Gaussian window or cutoff frequency of a Butterworth window.

  • window_name (str, optional) – Two options: “gaussian” or “butter”.


array_like – 2D array of the window.

algotom.util.utility.apply_wavelet_decomposition(mat, wavelet_name, level=None)[source]

Apply 2D wavelet decomposition.

  • mat (array_like) – 2D array.

  • wavelet_name (str) – Name of a wavelet. E.g. “db5”

  • level (int, optional) – Decomposition level. It is constrained to return an array with a minimum size of larger than 16 pixels.


list – The first element is an 2D-array, next elements are tuples of three 2D-arrays. i.e [mat_n, (cH_level_n, cV_level_n, cD_level_n), …, (cH_level_1, cV_level_1, cD_level_1)]

algotom.util.utility.apply_wavelet_reconstruction(data, wavelet_name, ignore_level=None)[source]

Apply 2D wavelet reconstruction.

  • data (list or tuple) – The first element is an 2D-array, next elements are tuples of three 2D-arrays. i.e [mat_n, (cH_level_n, cV_level_n, cD_level_n), …, (cH_level_1, cV_level_1, cD_level_1)].

  • wavelet_name (str) – Name of a wavelet. E.g. “db5”

  • ignore_level (int, optional) – Decomposition level to be ignored for reconstruction.


array_like – 2D array. Note that the sizes of the array are always even numbers.

algotom.util.utility.check_level(level, n_level)[source]

Supplementary method for the method of “apply_filter_to_wavelet_component”. To check if the provided level is in the right format.

algotom.util.utility.apply_filter_to_wavelet_component(data, level=None, order=1, method=None, para=None)[source]

Apply a filter to a component of the wavelet decomposition of an image.

  • data (list or tuple) – The first element is an 2D-array, next elements are tuples of three 2D-arrays. i.e [mat_n, (cH_level_n, cV_level_n, cD_level_n), …, (cH_level_1, cV_level_1, cD_level_1)].

  • level (int, list of int, or None) – Decomposition level to be applied the filter.

  • order ({0, 1, 2}) – Specify which component in a tuple, (cH_level_n, cV_level_n, cD_level_n), to be filtered.

  • method (str) – Name of the filter in the namespace. E.g. method=”gaussian_filter”

  • para (list or tuple) – Parameters of the filter. E.g para=[(1,11)]


list or tuple – The first element is an 2D-array, next elements are tuples of three 2D-arrays. i.e [mat_n, (cH_level_n, cV_level_n, cD_level_n), …, (cH_level_1, cV_level_1, cD_level_1)].

algotom.util.utility.interpolate_inside_stripe(mat, list_mask, kind='linear')[source]

Interpolate gray-scales inside vertical stripes of an image. Stripe locations given by a binary 1D-mask.

  • mat (array_like) – 2D array.

  • list_mask (array_like) – 1D array. Must equal the width of an image.

  • kind ({‘linear’, ‘cubic’, ‘quintic’}, optional) – The kind of spline interpolation to use. Default is ‘linear’.



algotom.util.utility.rectangular_from_polar(width_reg, height_reg, width_pol, height_pol)[source]

Generate coordinates of a rectangular grid from polar coordinates.

  • width_reg (int) – Width of an image in the Cartesian coordinate system.

  • height_reg (int) – Height of an image in the Cartesian coordinate system.

  • width_pol (int) – Width of an image in the polar coordinate system.

  • height_pol (int) – Height of an image in the polar coordinate system.


  • x_mat (array_like) – 2D array. Broadcast of the x-coordinates.

  • y_mat (array_like) – 2D array. Broadcast of the y-coordinates.

algotom.util.utility.polar_from_rectangular(width_pol, height_pol, width_reg, height_reg)[source]

Generate polar coordinates from grid coordinates.

  • width_pol (int) – Width of an image in the polar coordinate system.

  • height_pol (int) – Height of an image in the polar coordinate system.

  • width_reg (int) – Width of an image in the Cartesian coordinate system.

  • height_reg (int) – Height of an image in the Cartesian coordinate system.


  • r_mat (array_like) – 2D array. Broadcast of the r-coordinates.

  • theta_mat (array_like) – 2D array. Broadcast of the theta-coordinates.

algotom.util.utility.transform_slice_forward(mat, coord_mat=None)[source]

Transform a reconstructed image into polar coordinates.

  • mat (array_like) – Square array. Reconstructed image.

  • coord_mat (tuple of array_like, optional) – (Square array of x-coordinates , square array of y-coordinates) or generated if None.


array_like – Transformed image.

algotom.util.utility.transform_slice_backward(mat, coord_mat=None)[source]

Transform a reconstructed image in polar coordinates back to rectangular coordinates.

  • mat (array_like) – Square array. Reconstructed image in polar coordinates.

  • coord_mat (tuple of array_like, optional) – (Square array of r-coordinates , square array of theta-coordinates) or generated if None.


array_like – Transformed image.

algotom.util.utility.make_2d_gaussian_window(height, width, sigma_x, sigma_y)[source]

Create a 2D Gaussian window.

  • height (int) – Height of the image.

  • width (int) – Width of the image.

  • sigma_x (int) – Sigma in the x-direction.

  • sigma_y (int) – Sigma in the y-direction.


array_like – 2D array.

algotom.util.utility.apply_gaussian_filter(mat, sigma_x, sigma_y, pad=None, mode=None)[source]

Filtering an image in the Fourier domain using a 2D Gaussian window. Smaller is stronger.

  • mat (array_like) – 2D array.

  • sigma_x (int) – Sigma in the x-direction.

  • sigma_y (int) – Sigma in the y-direction.

  • pad (int or None) – Padding for the Fourier transform.

  • mode (str, list of str, or tuple of str) – Padding method. One of options : ‘reflect’, ‘edge’, ‘constant’. Full list is at: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.pad.html


array_like – 2D array. Filtered image.

algotom.util.utility.apply_1d_regularizer(list_data, sijmat)[source]

Supplementary method for the method of “apply_regularization_filter”. To apply a regularizer to an 1D-array.

algotom.util.utility.apply_regularization_filter(mat, alpha, axis=1, ncore=None)[source]

Apply a regularization filter using the method in Ref. [1]. Note that it’s computationally costly.

  • mat (array_like) – 2D array

  • alpha (float) – Regularization parameter, e.g. 0.001. Smaller is stronger.

  • axis (int) – Axis along which to apply the filter.

  • ncore (int or None) – Number of cpu-cores used for computing. Automatically selected if None.


array_like – 2D array. Smoothed image.


[1] : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aml.2010.08.022


Transform a 1d-window to 2d-window. Useful for designing a Fourier filter.


win_1d (array_like) – 1D array.


win_2d (array_like) – Square array, a 2D version of the 1d-window.

algotom.util.utility.detect_sample(sinogram, sino_type='180')[source]

To check if there is a sample in a sinogram using the “double-wedge” property of the Fourier transform of the sinogram (Ref. [1]).

  • sinogram (array_like) – 2D array. Sinogram image

  • sino_type ({“180”, “360”}) – Sinogram type : 180-degree or 360-degree.


bool – True if there is a sample.


[1] : https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.418448

algotom.util.utility.fix_non_sample_areas(overlap_metadata, direction='horizontal')[source]

Used to fix overlap values of grid-cells without sample by copying from its neighbours. Input is a 3d-array of overlapping values for each grid cell. For example, to a 5 x 3 (n_row x n_column) grid scans, the shape for overlapping values in the horizontal direction is: 5 x 2 (n_column - 1) x 2 (overlap, side). The shape for overlapping values in the vertical direction is: 4 (n_row - 1) x 3 x 2 (overlap, side). The order of calculating overlapping values in a grid is left-to-right, top-to-bottom.

  • overlap_metadata (array_like) – A matrix of overlap values of each grid-cell where each element is a list of [overlap, side].

  • direction ({“horizontal”, “vertical”}) – Direction of overlapping calculation.


metadata (array_like)

algotom.util.utility.locate_slice(slice_idx, height, overlap_metadata)[source]

Locate slice indices in grid-rows given a slice index of the reconstruction data as a whole.

  • slice_idx (int) – Slice index of full reconstruction data.

  • height (int) – Height of a projection image of each grid-cell.

  • overlap_metadata (array_like) – A matrix of overlap values of each grid-row where each element is a list of [overlap, side]. Used to stitch the grid-data along the row-direction.


list of int and float – If the slice is not in the overlapping area between two grid-rows, the result is a list of [grid_row_index, slice_index, weight_factor]. If the slice is in the overlapping area between two grid-rows, the result is a list of [[grid_row_index_0, slice_index_0, weight_factor_0], [grid_row_index_1, slice_index_1, weight_factor_1]]

algotom.util.utility.locate_slice_chunk(slice_start, slice_stop, height, overlap_metadata)[source]

Locate slice indices in grid-rows given slice indices of the reconstruction data as a whole.

  • slice_start (int) – Starting index of full reconstruction data.

  • slice_stop (int) – Stopping index of full reconstruction data.

  • height (int) – Height of a projection image of each grid-cell.

  • overlap_metadata (array_like) – A matrix of overlap values of each grid-row where each element is a list of [overlap, side]. Used to stitch the grid-data along the row-direction.


list of list of int and float – List of results for each slice index. If a slice is not in the overlapping area between two grid-rows, the result is a list of [grid_row_index, slice_index, weight_factor]. If a slice is in the overlapping area between two grid-rows, the result is a list of [[grid_row_index_0, slice_index_0, weight_factor_0], [grid_row_index_1, slice_index_1, weight_factor_1]].

algotom.util.utility.generate_spiral_positions(step, num_pos, height, width, spiral_shape=1.0)[source]

Generate Fermat spiral positions. Unit is pixel.

  • step (int) – Step size in pixel. ~ 20-> 40

  • num_pos (int) – Number of positions.

  • height (int) – Height of the field of view (in pixel).

  • width (int) – Width of the field of view (in pixel).

  • spiral_shape (float, optional) – To define the spiral shape.


array_like – 2D array. List of (x,y) positions

algotom.util.utility.find_center_visual_sinograms(sino_180, output, start, stop, step=1, zoom=1.0, display=False)[source]

For visually finding the center-of-rotation (COR) using converted 360-degree sinograms from a 180-degree sinogram at different CORs (Ref. [1]).

  • sino_180 (array_like) – 2D array. 180-degree sinogram.

  • output (str) – Base folder for saving converted 360-degree sinograms.

  • start (float) – Starting point for searching CoR.

  • stop (float) – Ending point for searching CoR.

  • step (float) – Searching step.

  • zoom (float) – To resize output images. For example, 0.5 <=> reduce the size of output images by half.

  • display (bool) – Print the output if True.


str – Folder path to tif images.


[1] : https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.22.019078

algotom.util.utility.find_center_visual_slices(sinogram, output, start, stop, step=1, zoom=1.0, method='dfi', gpu=False, angles=None, ratio=1.0, filter_name='hann', apply_log=True, ncore=None, display=False)[source]

For visually finding the center-of-rotation (COR) using reconstructed slices at different CORs.

  • sinogram (array_like) – 2D array. Sinogram image.

  • output (str) – Base folder for saving reconstructed slices.

  • start (float) – Starting point for searching CoR.

  • stop (float) – Ending point for searching CoR.

  • step (float) – Searching step.

  • zoom (float) – To resize input and output images. For example, 0.5 <=> reduce the size of images by half.

  • method ({“dfi”, “gridrec”, “fbp”, “astra”}) – To select a backend method for reconstruction.

  • gpu (bool, optional) – Use GPU for computing if True.

  • angles (array_like, optional) – 1D array. List of angles (in radian) corresponding to the sinogram.

  • ratio (float, optional) – To apply a circle mask to the reconstructed image.

  • filter_name ({None, “hann”, “bartlett”, “blackman”, “hamming”, “nuttall”, “parzen”, “triang”}) – Apply a smoothing filter.

  • apply_log (bool, optional) – Apply the logarithm function to the sinogram before reconstruction.

  • ncore (int or None) – Number of cpu-cores used for computing. Automatically selected if None.

  • display (bool) – Print the output if True.


str – Folder path to tif images.